Item No. 5. All that part and parcel of residential property measuring 10 Acre 33 cents bearing R.S No. 52/2A, 52/2B, near D.No. 5-73 situated at Thotapalli village & Panchayat, Gannavaram, Vijayawada East, Krishna District, belonging to Mr. Telapolu Ramprasad (since deceased) represented by legal heirs 1)Mr. Pavan Charith Akhil Telapolu, 2)Mrs. Vydehi Telapolu and 3)Mr Telapolu Nihar, bounded by East: Road, South: Road, West: Lands of Mokkapati Nirmala Kumari etc., and North: Land Sold to NLakshmi Kumari etc., Latitude: 16.648763 and Longitude: 80.778136