All that piece and parcel of Non-Agriculture Immovable industrial property bearing Revenue Survey No. 352/p1 land admeasuring about 2099.51 Sq. Mts. And Revenue Survey No. 352/p2 land admeasuring 2099.51 collectively total land admeasuring 4199.02 Sq Mts. of the area known as Amarnagar of Revenue Survey No. 352/p1 & 352/p2 of Amarnagar, Nr. 66 KV, Amarnagar Sub-Station Vadiya Road, Amarnagar, Tal - Jetpur, Distt. Rajkot, State Gujarat Owned and possessed by Mr. Bavalal Dungarbhai Vora along with present super construction, Factory shed, building manufacturing units, Servant Quarter Etc. Including all rights, title, interest, easements. Privileges, Connections, rights in common facilities and amenities provided therein, along with all other present and future superstructures will be constructed thereon and bounded as under For R.S.No.352/p1:- East N.A. Land of Ravji Gordhan and Shamji Kala. West: Rajkot Bagasara Main Road. North: N.A. Land of Mohan Kanji. South : N.A. Land of Bharat Oil Mill. For R.S.No.352/p2 :- East: N.A. Land of Ravji Gordhan Etc. West: Road. North: House of Old Power House. South: Land of Purchaser.