All those piece and parcels of immovable property being superstructure admeasuring 2126 Sq. Ft (equal to 237 Yards or 197 Sq. Mtrs) constructed on non-agricultural land being Scheme Plot No 108 (as per Sanctioned plans by AUDA, Sub Plot No. 70 of Sactor-2). admeasuring 1605 Sq. Yrds (1342 Sq. Mtr) or thereabouts (including undivided rights in land admeasuring 150.5021 Sq. Mtrs in the internal road and common area of the entire land acquired by the said scheme) in the scheme of Sub Plots known as "KALHAR EXOTICA" the said scheme organized on the land admeasuring 19823.84 Sq Mtrs in the form of a proposed final plot (allotted in lieu of total land of revenue Survey nos 605. 606, 620/1/1, 620/1/2, 621, 622/1, 622/2, 623, 624, 625/1, 625/2, 625/4 626. 627 628, 629/1. 629/2, 640/1, 640/2, 641, 642/1, 642/2, 643, 644/2, 644/3, 644/4, 645, 646/1, 646/2, 646/3, 646/4, 646/5, 644+647+648/1 paiki, 649/3 paiki, 649/4 paiki, 652 paiki, 654/2 655 admeasuring about 254385 Sq Mtrs) (Scheme Plot No 108 standing on the part of land bearing Survey No 624) in the Draft TP Scheme No 220, situated lying and being at Village-Sola, Taluka Ghatlodia, in the registration District of Ahmedabad and Sub District of Ahmedabad-8 (Sola)