ITEM NO. 1: Schedule - I: All that piece and parcel of land measuring an extent of Two Grounds and 150 Sq.Ft bearing Plot No.190A, Door No.22, Second Main Road, West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 30 comprised in R.S.No.14 and 15 part, T.S.No.11, Block No. 12 of Periyakudal Village bounded on the : North By 50Feet 8th Cross Street, South By: Plot No 189, East By: 40 Feet Road, West By: Corporation Land Measuring on the North 90 feet 6 inches, on the East 40 feet, on the South 99 Feet 9 inches, on the West 49 feet 3 inches with a North East splay of 14 feet 4.5 inches, in all measuring Two grounds and 150 Sq Ft within the Sub Registration District of Anna Nagar and Registration District of Chennai-Central SChdule II: 695.41 Sq.Ft. Undivided Share of Land out of Schedule - I property mentioned above together with a Three Bed Room Flat No.1, on the Third Floor, West Facing measuring about 1130 Sq.Ft. including common area with open car parking, Door No.22, Second Main Road, West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 030. ITEM NO.2: Schedule - I: All that piece and parcel of land measuring an extent of Two Grounds and 150 Sq.Ft. bearing Plot No. 190A, Door No. 22, Second Main Road, West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 30 comprised in R.S.No 14 and 15 part, T.S.No.11, Block No.12 of Periyakudal Village bounded on the: North By: 50Feet 8th Cross Street, South By: Plot No 189, East By: 40 Feet Road, \Vest By: Corporation Land Measuring on the North 90 feet 6 inches, on the East 40 feet, on the South 99 Feet 9 inches, on the West 49 feet 3 inches with a North East splay of 14 feet 4.5 inches, in all measuring Two Grounds and 150 Sq Ft within the Sub Registration District of Anna Nagar and Registration District of Chennai Central Schedule - II: 552.43 Sq.Ft. Undivided Share of Land out of Schedule - I property mentioned above together with a Two Bed Room Flat No. 2, on the Third Floor, East Facing measuring about 898 Sq.Ft including Common Area with open car parking, Door No 22. Second Main Road, West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 600 030.