All that piece and parcel of bastu land measuring 1 Cottah 13 Chittacks 4 Sq Ft, be the same a little more or less equivalent ta 1309 Sq ft, more or less (14 Chittacks 4 Square Feet in RS Dag No.5403/22042 and 15 Chittacks in RS. Dag No.5403/22043) under RS. Khatian No.4751/2 together with a single storied brick built building standing thereon, measuring 1200 square feet, more or less with cement fiooring, lying and situated at Mouza-Bally, J.L No.14, Police Station formerly Bally at present Nischnda, within the limits of Sapuipara-Bastukati Gram Panchayet, in the District of Howrah with right to use of 12 feet wide Panchayet Common Passage situated at the Northern Side along with all other easement and quasi-easement. The property is standing in the name of Mrs. Protima Dutta.