Item No.1. All that piece or parcel of land and building, land measuring an area of 2 (Two) Cottah 2(Two) Chittacks and 37 (Thirty Seven) Sq.ft. be the same a little more or less, lying and situated at Mouza-Birati Village, comprised in Dag No.23, Touzi No.172, J.L. No.7, R.S. No.139, under North Dum Dum Municipality, Ward No.13, as per Municipal Assessment Register Holding No.173, previous holding No.3/1, Sidheshwari Bazar, Mahajati Nagar, Block-2, Police StationNimta within the Jurisdiction of Additional District, Sub-Rigistry Office at Cossipore Dum Dum, District-North 24-Parganas, standing in the name of Mr. Swapan Kumar Das and Mrs. Rajni Das and butted and bounded in the following manner: On the North By: House of Manomohini Ghosh On the East By: Municipal Road On the South By: House of Mr. Majumders On the West By: House of Sri Nepal Rakshit