All the piece and parcel of Residential Land and Building situated at Plot No. 36 (part), 37(part) and 38 (part), W. No. 5/411- 4 and 5/411-5, Krishna Bunglow, Kagwade Mala, Ichalakaranji, Tal- Hatakanangale, Dist - Kolhapur within the registration Sub-District Hatkanangale and District Kolhapur. All that part and parcel of the property consisting of A. Plot No.36 (part) and Plot No.37 (part) in City Survey Number 17226/36 (part) & 17226/37 (part), admeasuring 366.20 Sq Mtrs & 369.70 Sq Mtrs standing in the name of Mrs. Geetadevi Pushpak Agarwal B. Plot No.37 (part) in City Survey Number 17226/37 (part), admeasuring 90.42 Sq Mtrs standing in the name of Mr. Pankaj Pushpak Agarwal C. Plot No.38 (part) in City Survey Number 17226/38 (part), admeasuring 253.3 Sq Mtrs standing in the name of Mr. Pankaj Pushpak Agarwal D. Plot No.38 (part) in City Survey Number 17226/38 (part), admeasuring 253.3 Sq Mtrs. standing in the name of Mr. Pravin Pushpak Agarwal