Item No.6. All that the piece and parcel of land and building measuring about 02 cottahs 13 chittaks 33 sq ft (more or less) with building thereon at JL No. 51, Touzi No. 271, Sabek Khatian No. 170, Hal Khanda Khatian No. 446, Halka Khatian No. 220 and 836, Sabek and Hal Dag No. 429 and 431, Halka Dag No. 471, Ward No. 7, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, Mouza Jagannathpur, Taluka Sonarpur, Dist. South 24 Parganas, West Bengal standing in the name of Mr. Hasan ulla Laskar and the land is butted and bounded by On the North: By Plot No. B 1. On the East: By 10 Ft. Common Passage. On the South: By Land of Others. On the West: By R S Dag No. 429.