Mortgaged Asset : Schedule -A (Property standing in name of Mr.Vikramadhithan) - Tiruppur District Uthukuli Taluk Virumandampalayam Village, Old S.F.No.54 C, Resurvey Number 321/1, Patta Number 224. Karunampath Pirivu, Uthukuli-Kunnathur Main Road, Within this Punjai Hectare 0.10.0, punjai Acre 0.25. out of which 2145 sq ft., of land and building with Mamool pathway and cart track rights etc. Schedule - B (Property standing in name of Mrs. Vimaladevi) - Tiruppur District, Uthukuli Taluk, Virumandampalayam Village Old SF No.54-C. Resurvey Number 321/1, Patta Number 224. Karunampathi Pirivu, Uthukuli-Kunnathur Main Road, An Extent Of 8755 sq ft of land and building with mamool pathway and cart track right etc. Common Reserve Price for both Schedule A & B