M Charge created on residential land & building (Item no.1: 271.33 Sq.yds, Item no.2: 85.66 Sq.yds) having Ground and First floor situated at 1.T.S.No.2082 , 2.T.S.No. 1930-4, Plot No.2 & 17, L.P.No. 255/80(A), Old D.No: 18/295-C1, 18-1-95, 18th ward, Near S.V.Theatre, Venugopal Nagar, Neeruganti Veedhi, Old Town, Anatapur, total measuring land area of 356.99 Sq. Yds standing in the name of Mr. P.Peddi Reddy is bounded on: Item No.1 -271.33 Sq.yds (Plot no.2): East: Plot of D. Thirupal bearing Plot No.1, West: Plot of. 3 of K.Satya Narayana and others, North: Road, South: Land in S.No. 1930/4 of item no.2 property (plot no.17). Item No.2 -85.66 Sq.yds (Plot No.17): East: House of K.Sunanda Lakshmi, West: Property of Lakshmi Devi, North: Above said item no.1 property (Plot No.2), South: House of Anasuyamma and road. Boundaries of the total property: East: House of D.No. 19/1/94, West: House in D.no. 18/1/96, North: Road, South: Others existing building