In Tirupur, Palladam Taluk, Palladam panchayat union and Karaipudur village panchayat board, Karaipudur village, GS No.212/2B1 lands measuring 0.95 acres (or) 0.385 hectares @ Rs.1.63 in this lands measuring 0.27 acres, further in the same survey field common use pathway lands measuring 0.031/2 acre, further in the same survey field common use well land measuring 0.051/2 acre and further in the same field 30 ft wide South-North pathway land measuring 0.131/2 acre. Thus the total lands admeasuring 0.30 1/4 acres and rights to use the 30 ft. wide South-North common pathway land measuring 0.131/2 acre and mamool pathway rights to reach the property.