Vacant Land in Cherthalla, Alappuzha Karur Vysya Bank Karur Vysya Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/S. UllattII Hotels and SPA Pvl Ltd
    Bank Name
    Karur Vysya Bank
    Property Type
    vacant land
    Property- Property standing in the name of Shri Sashidharan Ullattil, S/o. Ramankutty Nair-Item-1: All that piece and parcel of 10.93 Ares in Sy No. 154/1C and 17.40 Ares in Sy No. 154/1A at Thavanakadavu, Ottappuzha Junction, Pallippuram Village. Chennam Pallippuram, Cherthalla Taluk, Alappuzha District Standing in the name of Mr.Shashidharan Ullattil with all pathway rights. Item-2: All that piece and parcel of 38.05 Ares in Sy No. 154/1C and 9.71 Ares in Sy No. 154/1E at Thavanakadavu, Ottappuzha Junction, Pallippuram Village, Chennam Pallippuram, Cherthalla Taluk, Alappuzha District Standing in the name of Mr. Shashidharan Ullattil with all pathway rights. Item-3: All that piece and parcel of 3.24 Ares in Sy No. 154/1C, 0.81 Ares in Sy No. 154/1B and 4.45 Ares in Sy No. 154/1A at Thavanakadavu, Ottappuzha Junction. Pallippuram Village Chennam Pallippuram, Cherthalla Taluk. Alappuzha District Standing in the name of Mr Shashidharan Ullattil with all pathway rights. Item-4 : All that piece and parcel of 12.15 Ares in Sy No. 154/1C, 16.19 Ares in Sy No. 154/1A at Thavanakadavu, Ottappuzha Junction, Pallippuram Village, Chennam Pallippuram, Cherthalla Taluk, Alappuzha District Standing in the name of Mr Shashidharan Ullattil with all pathway rights. All items 1 to 4 put together an extent of 112.93 ares 279 cents) Vacant land and rights over the roads for ingress and egress with usual pathway rights to use the layout roads and all other appurtenances attached thereto
    279 cents
    Cherthalla, Alappuzha
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
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    EMD submission
    Wed, 09 Aug 2023 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 10 Aug 2023 04:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:00 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    01.08.2023 to 09.08.2023
    Bank Contact Details
    Ernakulam Branch Manager Contact No.98465 65839 Ernakulum Divisional Office 99958 67941 Asset Recovery Branch Contact No: 81109 96655
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