All that part and parcel of the property consisting of created an equitable mortgage is the owner of piece and Parcel of entire Ground Floor, First Floor & Second Floor in Block-A of the Building Name MALL PATLIPUTRA'S MALL Having its open area consisting of Measuring Ground Floor area-12356
Square feet First Floor Area 13056 Square feet and Second Floor Area-13056 Square feet along with undivided proportionate share in the land with exclusive roof right to the mortgagor PATLIPUTRA HYTECH INFRA PRIVATE LTD and as the same was acquired through a Registered Deed by deposit of title deeds over property Original Sale deed No.-19803 Dated -04.07.2013 Book No-1 Volume No-434 Page No-67 & 81 CD-67 Token No-21083 sub Division-Patna Anchal-Patna sadar, Halka-NUTAN RAJDHANI-1 Mauza-Moharrampur computerized at Present 27 Page No-950 Jambandi No-264 Thana No-137 Khata No-0,2/18/30 Plot No-1282, 832 & 839 Total area-1 acre 468 Decimal within the Juridiction of BIG BAZAR Patna Municipal Corporation under ward No-28 circle No-6 (Old Holding No-673 & New Holding No-1273) and the building constructed over the Land bearing Plot No-839 1282.
and 832 Municipal holding No-99 (Old) and 281 the now Holding No 394 C 394 394A and 395C Ward No-2 plot and Ward No-18 new sheet No- 30 situated at Exhibition Road Known as Braj Kishore Path P.S-Gandhi Maidan sub registry office Patna in the name of PATLIPUTRA HYTECH INFRAPRIVATE LTD DIRECTOR Anil Kumar S/o Chhathoo Choudhary.
Token No-18917 Serial No-18606 Sale Deed No-16149 Dated 16.09.2008 sub division-Patna Sadar Anchal-Patna Sadar, Halka-NUTAN RAJDHANI 1. Mauza-Moharrampur computerized At Present 27 Page No-950 Jamband No-264 Thana No-137 Khata No-0.2/18/30 Plot No- 839 and 1282 Total Area 109.3436 P.S-Gandhi Maidan sub registry office Patna in the name of Anil Kumar S/o-Chhathoo Choudhary Boundary of the Plot No-839 and 1282: North- House of Shri Jagdish Chandra Sinha and the Municipal Lane, South-Lane of late Sir Ali Imam East-Bunglow of Dr Gafoor, West-Lane of Late Sir Ali Imam
Boundary of the Plot No-832 and 1282: North- Municipal land and there after the land and House Shri Arun Chandra Rai, South-Bunglow of Dr Ghafoor, East-Exhibition Road know as Braj Kishore Path, West-Lane being Part of Municipal holding No-99
Leased Deed No-Boundary of the Ground Floor 12356 Square feet: North- Set Back of Building, South-Set Back of Building, East-Shop and Carridor, West-Set Back of Building
Boundary of the First Floor 13056 Square feet: North- Set Back of Building, South-Set Back of Building, East-Set Back of Building, West- Set Back of Building