All that part & parcel of the property being Plot No.: 500 with Area: Ac.0.044dec. And ; Plot No.: 501 with Area: Ac.0.210 dec. (Total Area: Ac.0.254dec.), Khata No.: 645, Mouza: Cuttack Sahar Unit No. 27, Gandarpur, Tahasil: Cuttack, Dist.: Cuttack, Kisam: Gharbari-1 (Homestead), registered vide Sale Deed Nos. 4124 & 4125 dated 07.08.1973 registered at SRO, CUTTACK and Order by Hon'ble Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) 1st Court, CUTTACK vide C.S. No. 450 of 2012 dated 16.07.2012, standing in the name of Nabin Kumar Mohanty. Bounded by- East: Road N.H.-5, West: Plot No. 511, North: Plot No. 512 & 520, South: Plot No. 498 And 499