Sale of Corporate Debtor as a Going Concern jointly as per Regulation 32(e) of the IBBI Liquidation Process Regulations, 2016 The real estate project (i.e SATHYANAGAR PROJECT) is jointly owned by the below Corporate Debtors: a. Conglome Technoconstructions Private Limited: (Absolute owner of all that piece and parcel of the immovable property comprised in Survey Nos 17, 39/2, 35/1/A and 39/2/1 Ranishigaon (Nevale) village, Thane District Maharashtra, measuring approx. 16.22 acres. b. Sapphire Space Infracon Private Limited (Absolute owner of all that piece and parcel of the immovable property comprised in Survey Nos 17/2B, 39/2, 35 and11/1A, Ranishigaon (Nevale) village, Thane District, Maharashtra, measuring approx. 16 acres)