Flat No. 206 on Second Floor, in Building No. "E i.e. "Elderberry" admeasuring Carpet Area 40.52 Sq.Mtrs. i.e. 436 Sq.
Ft & Terrace Area 7.89 Sq. Mtrs. I.e. 85 Sq. Ft having Total Carpet area 48.52 Sq.Mtrs. i.e.521. Sq. Ft in the society knows
as "THE ORCHARD CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD". Which is constructed on the plot of land bearing Survey
No. 65 Hissa No. 1A/1+65+1C/2 & Survey No- 65 Hissa No. 1C/2, Situated at Village- Hadapsar, Taluka -Haveli, District-
Pune. Owned by Mrs. Priya Ganesh Shenoy & Mr. Ganesh Krishna Shenoy