Property situated at Vidyanagar, located at
Mauje Umri Umarkhed, Tq. & Dist. Akola
bearing field survey no. 35/2, Nazul Plot
No.3/6, Nazul Sheet No.81 out of it layout
plot no.5 and out of it portion admeasuring
East-West 23.77 mtrs, North- South 20.12
mtrs. Total admeasuring 478.26 sq.mtrs
bounded as :
On or towards the East – Road
On or towards the West – Road
On or towards the North – Plot No.4
On or towards the South – Road.
On the said plot a building is constructed
consisting of basement, ground floor, first
floor and second floor. Out of said building
the area between roof of first floor and
second floor. Out of the said building the
area between roof of first floor till roof of
second floor, by north- south division, half
portion falling on the western side and by
further making East-West division of half
portion falling on western side, ortion
falling on sourthen side of the second floor,
which is admeasuring North-South – 14 ft. 2
inch, Easr-West – 41 ft.6 inch, total
admeasuring 587.64 sq.ft having a
constructed flat which is bounded as:
On or towards the East : Flat sold to Mr.
Bhagwandas Rathi
On or towards the West : Road
On or towrafs the North : Flat sold to Mr.
Anilkumar Rathi
On or towards the South : Road.