Mouje Tajnapur, Pra. Tq. & Dist. Akola RSDRD Akola within the limits of Z.P.P.S. and Municipal Corporation Akola in the Area, popularly known as Deshmukh File. Opp Shivaji Park, Akot Road, Akola bearing Nazul Plot No. 5/2 of Nazul Sheet No 361C, having area 675 Sq. Mtrs out of which on -South-East Portion admeasuring Eastern Side 68 it. Western Side 64 ft. Southern side 60 fts and Northern side 57 fts, thus total area 3861 Sq.fts Le, 358.83 Sq, mtrs and old Construction building standing thereon which consist of Basement 1604 Sq.fts ground floor 1623 Sq ft Mazinine Floor 500 Sq. fts and First floor 1990 Sq. fts total construction area 5717 sq. fts i.e. 531.31 sq. mtrs which Bounded by East Road and Bridge of Akot Road Towards West- House of Pawar, Towards North- Land of Ruchir Goenka, Towards South-Govt Road
Mouje Tajnapur, Pra. Tq. & Dist Akola RSDRD Akola within the limits of ZPPS, and Municipal Corporation Akola in the Area popularly known as Deshmukh File, Opp. Shivaji Park. Akot Road, Akola bearing Nazul Plot No 5/1 of Nazul Sheet No 36/C, admeasuring Eastern Side 575 ft Western Side 64 f Southen side 97 fts. And Northern side 112 fts, thus total area 6810 Sq fts Le 632 1 Sq. mtrs and old RCC Construction 2500 Sq ft with tin shed thereon which is Bounded by-Towards East Akola- to Akot Road. Towards West- Railway site Towards North-land of Shri Ruchir Goenka out of Nazul plot No. 4/1, Towards Southland of Shri RuchirGoenka out of Nazul Sheet No.512
Mouje Tajnapur Pra. Tq. & Dist Akola RSDRD Akola within the limits of ZPPS. and Municipal Corporation Akola in the Area popularly known as Deshmukh File, Opp Shivaji Park Akot Road, Akola bearing Nazul Plot No 411 of Nazul Sheet No 35/C out of which on South East side Corner adjacente Northern side of plot admeasuring Eastern side 66 fL Western side 54 ft Southern side 108.5 fts and Northern side 103 fts thus total area 6330 sq fts i.e. 588.057 sq. inn. And standing approximate 2000 sq. ft. Le 185 87 sq. mtrs. Shed thereon which Bounded by- Towards East Road of Common use. Towards West Land left for internal private Road Towards North- Land left for internal private Road, Towards South-Property of Ruchir Goenka out of Nazul sheet no. 5/1