Mortgaged by: Mr. Anilbhai Gopalji Umrigar, Shailesh Gopalji Umrigar, Naynaben Anilbhai Umrigar, Bipinchandra Gopalji Umrigar and Vishal Anilkumar Umrigar All that piece and parcel of Residential Immovable Property bearing House No. 1/9, 1/10 and 1/11, admeasuring 499 sq. mtrs. situated at Padar Faliya, Gopal Bhavan, Ramnath Ghela Street, Nr. G. E. B. Office Dumas Road, Umragam, Surat- 395 007 and bounded as follows: On or towards the East: Property of Ishwar Bhana On or towards the South: Open Space On or towards the West: Property of Ishwarbhai Umrigar On or towards the North: Road