Description of the Secured Asset being auctioned:- All that piece and parcel of land and ground situated within the Registration Sub- District and Taluka: Guhagar, District: Ratnagiri, and within the limits of Grampanchayat Mouje Janwale having Gat Nos. and areas as provided below: Gat Nos. Total Area (H=R) Area which is the subject matter. (H-=R) 856 0=16.2 0=16.2 857/1 5=01 5=01 857 B 0=05 0=05 858/1 0=23 0=09 862/1 (part) 0=77.82 0=72.57 863 0=35 0=35 864 0=46 0=46 865 0=28 0=28 871 0=12 0=12 873 0=32 0=32 875 5=08 5=08 Totally admeasuring an area of 11 Hectares 61.92 Are (excluding the portion under road acquisition/ widening and sold open plots- [A] Sec 1-2, 24, 25, 29, 30, 36, 32, 33. [B] Sec 3- 118, 119, 123, 124, 148/F, 148/G, [C] Sec 4- 163/A, 163/B, 165/A, 165/B, 165/C and Sold plot with construc- tion [A] Sec 3- 90, 102, 106, 107, 108, 129, 135 [B] Sec 4- 154/A, 155/A, 172/H and Plots reserved for landlord [A] Sec 5 - 144, 145, 146, 159/A, 159/B, 160/A, 160/B, 160/C, 202/B. [B] Sec 1- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 along with proposed construction and together bounded as follows: On or towards the East: By River and Gat No. 876; On or towards the South: By Gat No. 855 and 600; On or towards the West: By Road and; On or towards the North: By Gat No. 866 and Shiv/ boundary of Palpen.