SCHEDULE-A PROPERTYA Schedule Guntur District, Tenali Registration District, Tenali Municipal Extension Area, Tenali Village D.No.118/2 E & 118/2 F, Door No.32-8-9/D, an extent of 1771 2/3 Sq. yds., of site and in that 49-94 Sq yds., was given for rad widening and there remains an extent of 1721-72 Sq. yds., in that an undivided unspecified space of 71-83 Sq. yds., or 60-05 Sq.mts. bounded by: - East : Site of Tadibiona Tataiah and others, 151'-06" South:20feet wideJointBazar,100'-00" West:30feet wide Joint Bazar, 161'-00" North: Site of Paladugu Rangaiah Son, 105'-00 B Schedule Within the above A Schedule Flat No. 306 at Second Floor of Sri Venkata Ramana Residency in a plinth area of 1357, with 259 Sq. ft., of Common area, 100 Sq. fts., of Car Parking being bounded by: East : Open to sky; South : Open to sky; West : Open to sky to some extent, steps to some extent and Common Corridor to some extent; North: Tot-Lot