House Situated at Lasudi Mohalla, Basti Danish Manda, measuring portion
House 02 Marla 105.5 Sq. Ft. i.e., 519.5 Sq. Ft. (Marla 207 Sq. Ft.) out of House 05 Marla 4 Sq. Ft. portion Jamabandi Year 2012-13 Khata No. 550/596, 551/597, Khasra No. 1154. 1984/1153/2, 1840/1155, 1984/1153/1, 1838/1155 vide Document No. 2018-19/187/1/1203 Dated 20.09.2018 Boundaries: East: Rest Portion of House Chand Rani, West: House Smt. Santosh, North: Others, South: Street