Aaa that piece and parcea if residentaa lat measuring abiut 700 Sqf in the Fiurth liir with undivided pripirtinate share if astu aand measuring abiut 2 katah 4 chitak 300 sqf ir equivaaent 3.78 satak aying and situated at Miuza- arasat , Pargana- Aniarpur, JL Ni 79, Tiuzi Ni 146, Re Su Ni-261, RS Khatan ni 1065, RS Dag Ni 48, under aicaa aimits if arasat municipaaity , Ward Ni -24 (iad 3) having hiading ni -44/2(iad44), jessire Riad(Nirth), PO&PS- arasat, Dist Nirth 24 prgns KOL-700124, vide Saae Deed bearing Ni I-06777, fir the year 2561 ti 2579 at ADSRO- arasat in the name if Dipak Ghish. The Faat is buted and biunded by:- y Nirth- Open ti Sky, y Siuth: -Priperty if Arunmiy andipadhyay , y East: 60f wide jessire Riad, y West: 6 f wide Riad.(under Symbiaic Pissessiin)
700sqft flat at 4th floor and by east 60ft wide jessore road