All that piece & parcel of commercial cum residential Flat, Flat Nos. 18 & 19 of the 2nd floor. Super Built Up Area- 1598 Sq Ft at 68B Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Road, formerly known as 67 & 68, Upper Circular Road, A.K.Point, PS Amharst street, Dist- North 24 Pargans, Kolkata - 700009, covered by Deed no 4498 and 5185 standing in the name of Sri Sailen seth. Bounded By. By North- Kali Shome Street, By South- Anthony Bagan Lane. Kolkata, By East- Remaining portion of premises no 68, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata, By West- Partly by 10,14 & 12, Anthony Bagan Lane and partly by 22, 228 & 24/1B, B Ostagar Lane, Kolkata: Possession-Constructive