All that part and parcel of one residential flat being no GB, on the ground floor, having super built up area of 650 sqft more or less in the building together with undivided proportionate, impartible and variable share in the land underneath the said building attributable to the said Flat in the building and in all common parts portions areas situated and comprised in R.S/L.R. Dag No 636, under R.S/L.R.Khatian No 1333/1, J.L.No 7 at Mouza-Arjunpur, Arjunpur North, P.S.-Rajarhat, Now Baguiati, Holding No 17, Arjunpur North Road, Kolkata 700059 within the limits of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, Ward No 14, Dist - North 24 Parganas, in the name of Mrs Shrila Banerjee vide Deed of Conveyance No I-2664/2023 of A.R.A.- I, Kolkata. Property is butted and bounded by: On the North: House of Profulla Naskar, On the South: House of Sanwarmal Sharma, On the East 8' wide common passage, On the West: House of Biswajit Naskar