All that the flat bearing no. 3B on the 3rd floor in Block-A measuring an area of 2,726 sq.ft super built up area including stair case consisting of 2 bed rooms, 1 dining / drawing 1 kitchen, 2 toilets and 1 balcony. in the name of Shri Prabir Kumar Lahiri and Smt. Trishna Lahin at the premises no. 181, Maharaja Nanda Kumar Road (South), Kolkata - 700036 within Police Station - Baranagar, under Baranagar Municipality Ward No. 7 (presently 29) together with Lift constructed on proportionate undivided and impartible share in land measuring 21 cottahs 7 chittaks and 33 sq.ft be the same a little more or less together with G+3 buildings of two blocks being Block-A and Block-B standing thereon along with a tank in Mouza - Baranagar Panchannagram in the District of 24 Parganas (North). in Division I. Sub Division 4. Holding No. 97. Khasmahal Touzi No 1068/2833, J.L No. 5. R.S No 6. Dag Nos 3501. 3504 and 3505 Khatian No. 6731 under Sub-Registrar Cossipore-Dumdum The Land is butted and bounded by: On the North: Tank of Shri D. Mukherjee On the East Tank of P.C Dutta. On the South: 20 ft. wide Maharaja Nanda Kumar Road (South) On the West House of Shri S. Nandi & Shri Ashutosh Acharya & Ors.