Equitable Mortgage of entire second floor of residential flat having super builtup area of 1150 Sq. ft and front portion of the thired floor having super builtup area of 700 Sq.ft. more or less along with two open car parking space in the ground floor of a G+VI storied building along with undivided proportionate share in the land measuring about 2 Cottahs 8 Chittaks 36 Sq.f be the same a little more or less lying and situated in Mouza - Chakmasur Pargana-Khaspur. J.L. No. 30, R.S. No. 21 1/2. Touzi No. 151, Portion of RS Dag No. 53, under R.S. Khatian No. 34, with in the limits of KMC Ward No. 109 being Premises No 1948 Mukundapur, P.S. - Purba Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 075 The Entire Property is Butted and bounded By: North - Portion of R.S. Dag No. 53, South- 33 feet wide Road, East - Portion of R.S. Dag No. 53, West- Portion of R.S. Dag No. 53. Property Owned by : Sri Raju Ghosh S/o. Monindra Ghosh