1. Equitable mortgage of Residential Flat no D 06 with marble flooring on the 2nd Floor(south east side) measuring 1110 sq.ft. super built up area be the same little more or less of the G+IV storied building standing thereon, consisting of 3 (three) Bed rooms, 1 (one) Kitchen (one) Dining room (one Toilet) (one) Balcony together with undivided proportionate share of land lying and situated Mouja Khardah J.L.No-2. Touzi No-145 and 2998, being portion of R.S.Dag No-2896 corresponding L.R. Dag No-5317 under R.S. Khatian no-1558 within the limit of Khardaha Municipality under Ward No-17 being Holding No-14/6/2, P. N. Mukherjee Road, under Police Station -Khardaha, Dist-North 24 Parganas, Kolkata-700116. Deed No: I-150101725 for the year 2020 in the name of Mr. Rafiqui Islam