All that piece and parcel of brick built self-contained and independent one flat being Rat No-'A-6' East side on the 1st floor of the building named as "TIRUPATI APARTMENT* Situated and lying at on the said land as described in the First schedule herein above written having a super built up area of 550 Square feet more or less on East side (G+Five) storied building consisting of 2 Bed Rooms, 1 Toilet TOGETHER WITH undivided proportionate share of the land below and adjoining the building with the benefits right and liberties and user of drainage, plumbing, lift, and sanitary fittings together with lateral, vertical, overhead underneath, support and supporting and inserting beams and rafters and fixtures and in and/or upon all main loan bearing separating and common walls in and around the said flat together with all usual easement rights and liberties of unobstructed user of the common staircase, passage and landing connecting passage and the entrance door on the Ground floor for egress and ingress from the public road to the said property as well as right, privileges facilities easement contained in the schedule of rights and duties as set forth in the Third schedule hereunder written which the said flat is situated and lying at and being on the 1st floor forming a part of the said property shown in red border in the attached map or plan as part hereof vide Deed No I-04646/16. Butted & Bounded By: On the North: By Land & Building of Sunil Adhikary, On the South: By 13' Wide Road Sardar Para (Hatlara), On the West: By Land & Building of Mr. Bablu Talukdar, On the East By Land Of Mr. Tarun Kr. Sardar & Kishore Kr. Sardar.