All the piece and parcel of Flat No. 3A, 2nd Floor, measuring Super Build Area of 825 Sq Ft consisting of 2 Bed Rooms, 1 Dining, 1 kitchen, 1 Bath/Privy & 1 Verandah situated, and lying at premiseses No. 160, Holding No. 106/16, Gopal Jew Mandir Road, PO- Birat, PS- Nimta, Dist-North 24 Paragans, Kolkata-700051 under Mouza-Birati, JL No. 7, Kh No. 138, 719, Touzi Nos/172& 174, Dag No. 134 in the name of Kazi Nazimuddin covered by Deed No. 1-13877/2013. Bounded By : By North Single Storied Building By South-Vacant Land By East - 12 Ft wide Gopal Jew Mandir Road By West - G+2 Storied Building of Others Possession-Constructive