All that piece and parcel of Contained flat being No. 02 on Ground floor rear portion of the straight three storied building name "SHRANYA" measuring super built up area 900 Sq.ft. more or less consisting of 3 bedroom, 1 Drawing cum Dining 1 Kitchen, 1 Tolled, W.C.& one Varandah and also together with proportionate undivided share of land measuring about 3 Cottah 11 Chittacks 31 Sq. ft laying & Situated at Mouza Kamdahari, J.L. No. 49 Touzi No. 14, Comprising in R.S. Dag No. 439/1447, R.S. Khatian No. 726, corresponding to C.S. Dag No. 439, C.S. Khatian No. 326 within the KMC Ward No. 111 under Premises No. 60, 60A-15, Narkel Bagan, Garia, P.S. - Regent Park, Kolkata - 700 084 Property Stand in the name of Mr. Raju Mondal, S/o. Jiten Mondal. The property butted & Bounded by : On the North : Property of Keshab Ganguly, On the South : Propertyof Amaresh Chandra Chakraborty under Dag No. 439(part). On the East 10'-0" wide Common Passage & Land of Dag No. 440 (Part), One the West: Property of Usha Devi.