All that piece and parcel of vacant land Plot No. 148A comprised in Survey No. 178, as per patta No. 2028, New Survey No. 178/38, in the lay-out Known as "KUMARAN NAGAR (D.T.P.M. 81/96/L.P/60) situated at SEVVAPET VILLAGE, Tiruvallur Taluk, Thiruvallur District, measuring an 1600 Sq.ft of Land and Bounded on the: North by : Railway Land, South by : 30 Feet Wide Road, East by : Layout Plots, West by : Plot No. 148- A Part. Measuring On the: Northern Side 26 Feet 6 Inches, Southern Side : 26 Feet 6 Inches, Eastern Side: 60 Feet, Western Side: 60 Feet. In all admeasuring to an total extent of 1600 or 148.643 Sq. mts of Land and lies within the Sub- Registration District of Thiruvallur and Registration District of Kancheepuram SCHEDULE - B 266.5 Sq.ft of undivided share of Land from and out of Schedule "A" mentioned Property. And situated within the Registration District of Kancheepuram and Sub - registration District of Thiruvallur. In that Flat No.S 1 in the Second Floor, F Block of the building 664 Sq.ft including common areas. Latitude and Longitudes Coordinates: 13.124585 79.968726