(a). Residential Double storied House Situated at Mohalla Gandhi Nagar, Moradabad (UP), Area-256.08 Sq mtr In the name of Sh. Mohd. Waseeque S/o Sh. Abdul Majid) Registered in Bahi No: 1, Zild No: 11134, Pages: 85-138, Serial No: 17133, Dated 08.09.2014 SRO-I, Moradabad (UP). Bouanded as: North Prince Road 18 Mtr Wide South Remaining araji of Smt. Poshim Mehrotra East Abchak Mustarka afterthat house of Santosh Etc. West : Remaining araji of Smt. Poshim Mehrotra (b). Residential Property Situated at Mohalla Gandhi Nagar, Moradabad (UP), Area-230.12 mtr In the name of Sh. Mohd. Waseeque S/o Sh. Abdul Majid) Registered in Bahi No: 1, Zild No: 11134, Pages: 271-314, Serial No: 17140, Dated 08.09.2014 SRO-I, Moradabad (UP) Bouanded as: North Prince Road 18 Mtr Wide and Jujme house of Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra now Mohd. Waseeque South House of Wasrisaan Sh. Sheetal Singh Vishnoi East Abchak mustarka afterthat House of Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra now Mohd waseeque West: Remaining House Area 179.73 sqmtr First Party