ii) Deed No. 3638 dated 28.04.2015 is Butted & Bounded by North House of Chittakali, South 12 Ft Wide Municipal Road East House of Arun Dutta, West 3 ft Wide Common Passage and Drain Equitable Mortgage of Land & Building & Land situated at J.L. No. 178, R.S. Khatian No. 295, Hal Khatian No. 129, L.R. Khatian No. 2751, New L.R. Khatian No. 2876, R.S. Plot No. 07, L.R. Plot No. 25. Ward No. 20. Mouza Mahatabpur. P.S. Medinipur, Dist Paschim Medinipur covering area 5.97 Decimal (with 1014 Sq.ft., 1st floor Construction & 412 Sq.ft Common Construction and 3.90 Decimal vacant Bastu Land) under Gift Deed No. 3638 Dated 28.04.2015 of 2015 and Gift Deed No. 3639 of 2015 dated 28.04.2015 at DSRO Medinipur owned by Mrs. Madhumita Acharya, W/o. Biswanath Acharya