All parts & parcel of equitable mortgage of Residential house measuring 200.00 sq/yrd Comprised in khewat khatoni no. 352/914 Khasra no 53/11/2(2-17) 12/1(2-2) total 04K-19M to the extent of 1/16 share i.e OK-6-3/16M Jamaband year 2006-07 situated at Manga Bast Patran Dist. Patiala standing in the name of Smt. Rajwant Kaur w/o Nirmal Singh as per sale deed no 1559 bahi no.1. Zild no.1385 page no. 0 dated 01.07 2010registered with Sub Registrar Patran, Ditt Patiala bounded as under East Parkash West Ganesha Ram. . North Self Owner South: Street