All that part and parcel of the property consisting of a building and land situated at Arazi no.- 182, Mauza- Rustampur. Tappa & Pargana- Haveli, Tehsil- Sadar, Distt. - Gorakhpur measuring total land area- 1545 sq. ft. in the name of Smt. Durgesh Nandani verma W/O Sh. Bajrangi Prasad Verma & Sh. Bajrangi Prasad Verma S/o Sh. Chhedilal Verma mortgaged through registered Sale deed no. 3475/1997 dated 11/11/1997. Boundaries: East- House of Shanti Devi, West- House of Gulaichi Devi, North- House of Bam Bahadur, South- Road