Equitable Mortgage of property Situated at Vill. Rajpur, Pargana Nehtaur, Tehsil Dhampur, Distt- Bijnor (UP). (In the name of Sh. Ram Autar Singh S/o Sh. Shiv Das Singh), Total Area 282.40 Sq. Mtr. Recorded in Bahi No.01, Zild No. 9735, Page No- 375 to 396 at Sr. No. 24313, Dated- 17.12.2015, Registered with Sub. Reg. office Dhampur, Distt- Bijnor (UP). Bounded: On the North by: House of Rajpal Singh, On the South by: Rasta 11ft. Wide & Then House of Gaynendra Singh, On the East by: Aaraji of Purchaser, On the West by: Plot of Surendra Singh.