Land and building situated at Vill-Hosseinpur, P.O. - Aranghata, P.S. - Dhantala, Dist - Nadia, Pin -741501, under Jugal Kishore Gram Panchayet, J.L. No. 51, Mouza - Hosseinpur, L.R. Khatian No.-1740 and R.S. Khatian No.-728, L.R. Dag No.-2044, R.S. Dag No.-1821, area of Land 8 Decimal out of Total Land area 22 Decimal, together with two storeyed Residential Building, Area Ground Floor 1001 Sq. Ft. And 1st Floor 724 Sq. Ft., being Deed No. I-04795 of 2013, A.D.S.R. Ranaghat-II, registered in name of Mr. Dilip Sarkar.