2. Residential house, Nagar Nigam no. 74 in the name of Sh. Pradeep Kumar S/o Sh. Rampal Singh measuring area 41.80 sqr mtrs situated at New Minakshipuram, Rajasv, Village Kaseru, Baksar Meerut registered in the office of Sub Registrar I Meerut in Bahi I Volume No. 9120 Page no. 297/328 at serial no. 12895 on 20.12.2012. The property is bounded as below:
East: 30 ft. wall house haaja badahu House Kanhaiya
West: 30 ft. wall house haaja badahu House Smt Rekha Devi w/o Sh. Ompal Singh
North: 15 ft. wall house haaja badahu House Vasudev Sharma
South: 15 ft. door house haaja badahu rasta 12 ft wide