All that piece and parcel of Land along with Single Storeid Building of Bastu land measuring 2 Cottahs 3 Chittacks 28 Sq.ft more or less, Situated at Mouza - Ganipur, J.L. No. 13, RS Dag No. 382. Touzi No. 64, Khatian No. 761 under part of Dag No. 383, Holding No. H2- 133/NEW, Ganipur Asram Para Road, Under Juridiction of Mahestala Municipility, Ward No. 15, P.S. - Mahestala, Dist - South 24 Pgs. West Bengal, Pin - 700 141 and the property is standing in the name of Mr. Sushma Singh, W/o. Anil Kumar Singh & Anil Kumar Singh, S/o. Ram Tapesa Singh vide Regd Sale Deed No. I-04135 of 2011 and the property is physically surrounded in North - Part of dag No 379, South- 6 ft wide Common Passage, East - Land of of Adhir Aich and Smt. Santi Tamang, West - Part of Dag No. 382. (Under Symbolic Possession)