Equitable Mortgage of Residential House Situated at Tatarpur Lalu, Pargana & Tehsil Najibabad, Distt- Bijnor (UP). (In the name of Sh. Patram Singh S/o Sh. Mangal Singh), Total Area 91.96 Sq. mtr. Recorded in Bahi No. 01, Zild. No 1413 on Pages No 330 & additional Bahi No. 01, Zild No. 1514 Page No. 243 to 246, Sr. No. 96, Dated. 07.01.2022, at Sub. Reg. office Najibabad, Distt. Bijnor (UP), Bounded: On the North by : Rasta, On the South by: Rasta, On the East by: Aaraji Sunder Lal. On the West by: Rasta 9ft. Wide.