Equitable Mortgage of Property Situated at Mohalla Muglushah, Kasba -Najibabad, Pargana & Tehsil Najibabad, Distt- Bijnor (UP). (In the name of Mohd. Aslam S/o Late Abdul Zabbar thru Court decree with Family Settlement Passed by Court civil judge (J.D.) Najibabad in Case No. 07/09 Sh. Mohd. Aslam vs. Smt. Lateef begum urf Lateefan Dated 22.03.2009 order by court dated 08.04.2009), Total Area 66.00 sq Yards, Recorded in Bahi No. 01, Zild. No 608, Pages No 304 to 308, Sr. No. 28, Dated. 11.01.1977, at Sub. Reg. office Najibabad, Distt. Bijnor (UP). Bounded: On the North by: Aaraji Nasir Ahmad, On the South by: House of Sh. Hari Chand, On the East by: House of Smt. Habiban urf Munni, On the West by: Deegar House of Purchaser.