Residential Property being House No- 230/154 admsg area 185.87 sqmt (2000 sqft) situated at Mohalla Qazipura (South), Pargana, Tehsil & District – Bahraich as per unregistered will deed dated 07-02-1985 executed by Mrs. Gulab Devi W/o Late Narain Prasad Vaidh in favour of Mr. Brijesh Kumar Gupta S/o Late Dinesh Kumar Gupta probated by the Court of District Judge, Bahraich vide its Order dated 25-02-2009 in R.M.C No- 216/2005 (Brijesh Kumar Gupta & Another vs Akhilesh Kumar Gupta & 3 Others) with following boundaries: -
1. East: - House of Hardev Prasad;
2. West: - Nala;
3. North: - House of Hardev Prasad & Haldhar Prasad;
4. South: - Rasta & Kunwa.
Individual House for Sale in Middle Class, Bahraich