Registered Mortgage of residential House No 4 Near Power House,Jathlana Tehsil Radur, Distt-Yamunagar Land measuring 1K-1M being 43/268 share out of 6K-14M comprising in khewat no 558/527,khatauni no 657 and 658, khasra no 13//10/2min (5-10),13//10/2min (1-4) Situated at Village Jathlana H.B No. 4 Tehsil Radaur, Distt Yamuna Nagar, as per jamabandi for the year 2013-2014 standing in the name of Sh Shiv Dayal S/o Bishna Ram vis regd deed number 783 dated 24.06.2016 and bounded by as per following :
1) 0k-15m being 15/134 share out of 6k-14m comprising in khewat no 558/527, khatuni no 657 and 658, khasra no 13//10/2min (5-10), 13//10/2min (1-4) measuring and bounded as under :
North- 40’ - 6” Rasta
South- 40’ -6” House of Arjun Singh
East -100’ Agriculture Land of sh Balbir Singh
West-100’ House of Surjan Singh