Residential property bearing Plot no. 20 & 21, having Khasra No. 461M, side measuring in East 40 Ft, In west-40Ft, In North- 40ft and In South- 40ft. total area measuring 1600 sqft or 148.69 sqmt within limits of Nagar Palika Parishad Shivalik Nagar BHEL Ranipur Haridwar, Situated at Shivalik Nagar Tehri Visthapit Village Ranipur pargana Jwalapur Tehsil & District Haridwar. in the name of Smt Radhika W/o Sh Rohit Kumar Which is bounded as: under: East: 20ft Wide Road, West: Property of other, North: Plot No 19 South: Plot No 22, ** IP also mortgaged with Account of Smt Radhika W/o Sh. Rohit Kumar 019900NC9960267 3, 019900990000041 4 019900NC9960327 4