One Residential House measuring area 80 sq yards or 66.88 sq mtr having Dimension in East 15 ft, West 15 ft North 45ft, South 45ft built on Plot no.50 Pertaining MPL No. 2C/726 consisting all construction therein & land beneath the same with all internal construction with electric fitting connection with roof with all rights related to it situated at Mauza Sheikhpura Kadeem, P.T. & District Saharanpur Dar Abadi Vinod Vihar Colony, Saharanpur duly Registered at Sub Registrar Saharanpur vide Sale Deed no. 671, Bahi no. 1, Jild no. 4369, Pages 223-262, Dated 30.01.2015. Bounded as under- East – Rasta, West – Plot no.64, North – Plot of Other Person, South – Plot no. 61 & 6