All that piece and parcelof land & building situated at Mouza - Birnagar, Vill- Nazirput J.L No. 19. R.S. Plot No. 124 & L.R. Plot No. 294. Khatian R.S. & L.R. No. 7082, Area 0.70 Acre, under Barasat Gram Panchayat P.S. - Taherpur. P.O. - Birnagar, Dist - Nadia, Pin - 741127. A.D.S.R. Ranaghat - I. registered vide Deed No. 1-3251 in 2007 in the name of Arjun Sarkar S/O Sachindra Nath Sarkar. Boundary of the property: North - By Property of Usha Gram Trust South - By House of Ratan Sarkar & Land of Dulal Sarkar & Ratan Sarkar East - By Ranaghat- Krishnanagar Bypass (PWD Road). West - By Property of Sushanta Sarkar