All part and parcel of EQM of land and constructed two storied residential building have total land area 1 Cottah 8 Chittak with Ground Floor 980 Sq.ft. & First floor 980 Sq.ft. bearing RS Nos. 14 &17, RS Khatian Nos. 644, 623 & 642, J.L. No. 73, Sabek Dag No. 98, Hal Dag No. 430, P.S. - Bishnupur, Dist- South 24 Parganas. Mouza - Amtala and Property is standing in the name of Bhabani Sikdar Makhal, W/o. Sunil Sikdar vide Regd Deed No. 1-04110/2010 and Property is surrounded On the North - By Doba of Sri Dulal Poddar, Onth South - By Doba of Sri Samir Kr. Dey, On the East-By 10 ft wide abutting Road, On the West - By vacant land of Sri Niranjan Chakraborty. (Under Symbolic Possession)