All that piece and parcel of BASTU land with building thereon, measuring about 4.15 satak or 4-3/20 satak, lying and situated at Mouza-Changdana, Jl No-31,Re Sa No-292, Old Touzi No-146, Hal Touzi No-11, Sabek Khatian No-731, Hal Krishi Khatian No-420, New Own LR Khatian No-3446 (As per Porcha/Mutation certificate dated 04/03/2015), Sabek Dag no-3943, Hal LR Dag no-3943/4296 ( as per Mutation /Porcha and deed), under the local jurisdiction of P.S & ADSR-Deganga, Dist-North 24 Parganas, vide sale deed no-1168 of the year 2006, recorded in Book No-1, Volume no-24, pages from 259 to 266, at ADSRO-Deganga. The Priperty is in the name if-Animesh Sarkar. (Under Symbolic possession)
Contact Details of Other Officer/ Authorised Officer: Sri Chandan Kumar : Mobile:8436392921/ Hemraj Parewa, Mobile : 9829097030 e-mail