All that part and parcel of Educational Building and Land Situated at Arazi No.174-Ga, Mouza-Harpur, Tappa-Chandpar, Pargana-Dhuriyapar, Tehsil-Gola, Dist-Gorakhpur, measuring total land area 2 acre i.e 8093.45 SQMTR in the name M/s Ram Swaroop Pandey Academy Vidhalaya Harpur, Gorakhpur, through Ram Swaroop Pandey Educational Trust through Princiapal Trustee Sh. Vijay Prakash Pandey S/o Sh. Vijay Bahadu Pandey, acquired through registered sale deed no. 769/2012 datec 29.03.2012 Boundaries East Land of Ram Surat Singh West Land of Gram Samaj North Land of Chini Mill and Tower Telephone South Land of Ravindra Singh
All that part and parcel of Educational Building and Land Situated at Arazi No.174-Ga,measuring total land area 2 acre i.e 8093.45 SQMTR